The Fastest FATMAP Yet 🎉

We’re really excited to announce that FATMAP is now 10x faster than before on both web and mobile!

The speed at which the map loads is hugely important when planning or navigating and it’s something you, our community, have been asking us to improve.


Find, create and share

This performance upgrade will improve everything across the board on both web and mobile.

For starters, the map is now much faster at loading the terrain you’re focussed on and will hold its performance even as you move from area to area.

Creating adventures is hugely improved. From day tours to long distance epics, the process of drawing your route or uploading a GPX file is now easier, faster and more reliable.

Our embedded player for showing off your adventures on websites or blogs will also now load quicker and look even better.

Read our blog on how you can add FATMAP embeds to your website

Improved adventure creation


Not only have we boosted the speed of the map, but we’ve also improved our route drawing tool.

Introducing SnapTo 2.0!

When drawing your routes with the upgraded SnapTo tool, you’ll now see that you can place your points at greater distances and the line will stick to trails better than ever. This will also now work across junctions in the trail!


Try it out our fastest FATMAP ever and if you have any questions or feedback about creating adventures, then please get in touch on:

Jon Profile.png

See you out there!

Jon and Team FATMAP


For more information…

General Enquiries:


Jon WilliamsUpdates, Alps